Various patterns of Magic Wand

Hello everyone today to give us a variety of patterns magic wand effect 
magic wand, there is a novice just need time to repair items wood wood composite material 10 can be said as a clay artifact presence has a very large role 
give introduce more common pattern circled back to the blood magic can restore blood magic meet their urgent needs can use the reply Oh, when chasing small monster offensive player or unfriendly next flight is a magic draw down v we look finished using the magic of flight The effect is not very handsome, you can let the pioneering magic partner experience the feeling of flying and the bandit magic! Draw a triangle to summon a small earth wall. Provide a protective wall for many temporary battles. Play a small mob against stones and trees. Also have lightning magic. Draw a pattern of lightning lines to open the battle mode. Launching power magic can cause damage! There is also a common fire magic! Draw a rectangle, this is also a common magic. This pair of silver mines can be transformed into steam stone. Tips for iron ore stone crystal mine obsidian mine is invalid. There is a time limit for steam stone. There is also an ice magic! This magic is more difficult to draw. I am more difficult to draw in a square.








The use of the ground can summon a friendly circle-like enchantment to speed up the enemy. The enemy will be slowed down. It can be used to launch a space similar to the frame. The person can not be moved inside. There is also time to limit the gold. Silver mine can be used to transform the ancient battlefield enchantment stone. It is 
equivalent to ice magic. But it is a hard-to-draw magic pattern compared to other magic. 
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